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Начало > Каталози >Друга информация > Списък на абревиатурите на български организации







BAS Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

BTCC Bulgarian Type Culture Collection, Sofia

CAI Center of Applied Information, Sofia

CC Chemical Corporation, Botevgrad

CHL Central HIV Laboratory, Sofia

CICI Central Institute of Chemical Industry, Sofia

CSRL-VSCE Central Scientific Research Laboratory - Veterinary, Sanitary Control and Ecology, Sofia

CSRVMI Central Scientific Research Veterinary Medicine Institute, Sofia

CW Chemical Works, Stara Zagora

DAB Development and Application Base, Razgrad

GFYC Grain-Fooder Yeast Corporation, D. Mitropolia

HCTI Higher Chemical Technological Institute, Sofia

HEI Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Plovdiv

HIA Higher Institute of Agriculture, Plovdiv

HIFFI Higher Institute of Food and Fermentation Industry, Plovdiv

HIM Higher Institute of Medicine, Varna


HIZVM Higher Institute of Zootechnique and Veterinary Medicine, St. Zagora

HMI Higher Medical Institute, Pleven

HMMI Higher Military Medical Institute, Sofia

IAA Institute of Antitumor Antibiotics, Sofia

IAB Institute of Animal Breeding, Kostinbrod

IB Institute of Bioproducts “Bioprogress”, Plovdiv

IBI Institute of Brewery Industry, Sofia

ICBM-BAS Institute of Cell Biology and Morphology, BAS, Sofia

ICFD Institute of Cryobiology and Freeze-Drying, Sofia

IDP Institute against Diseases in Pigs, Vratza

IG-BAS Institute of Genetics, BAS, Sofia

IGCP-BAS Institute of General and Comparative Pathology, BAS, Sofia

IGE Institute of Genetic Engineering, Kostinbrod

IGFFI Institute of Grain Foods and Fooder Industry, Kostinbrod

IIPR Institute for Introduction and Plant Resources, Sadovo

IM-BAS Institute of Microbiology, BAS, Sofia

IMB-BAS Institute of Molecular Biology, BAS, Sofia

IMI-S Institute of Meat Industry, Sofia

IMPA Institute of Microbial Preparations for Agriculture “Biovet”, Peshtera

INR Institute of Nucleic Research, Sofia

IOC-PC Institute of Organic Chemistry - Phytochemistry Center, BAS, Sofia

ISP-GO Institute of Sugar Production, G. Oriahovitza

ISYP Institute of Soil and Yield Programmes “N. Poushkarov”, Sofia

IVP Institute of Vegetable Plants “Maritza”, Plovdiv

IWI Institute of Wine Industry, Sofia

LBB LB Bulgaricum PLC , Research Development and Production Center, Sofia; formerly: Central Experimental Production Laboratory for Pure Cultures, Sofia, (CEPLPC), Institute of Dairy Industry, Vidin, (IDI), Central Laboratory for Research and Production of Pure Cultures, DSO “Mlechna promishlenost”, Sofia, (CLRPPC), LB Engineering G, Sofia (LB)

MA Medical Academy, Sofia

MU see MA

MU Medical University, Stara Zagora

NBIMCC National Bank for Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Sofia

NBU New Bulgarian University, Sofia

NDSRVMI National Diagnostic Scientific Research Veterinary Medical Institute, Sofia

NIHFI Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia

NOC National Oncological Center, Sofia

PPI Plant Protection Institute, Kostinbrod

RCB Research Center of Biotechnology, Plovdiv

ROMB Research Organization and Manufacture of Bioproducts, Sofia

RILBS Research Industrial Laboratory of Bioactive Substances, Sofia

SC ”Antibiotic” see SRIA


SIIPD Scientific Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia

SRIA Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics, Antibiotic Co., Razgrad

SRICI Scientific Research Institute of Cannery Industry, Plovdiv

SRPVMII Scientific Research and Production Veterinary Medical Institute of Immunology, Sofia

SU The Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Sofia

SUH Alexandrovska, Sofia

TI Tobacco Institute, Plovdiv